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Comments on the President’s Budget from First District Residents and other South Carolinians:

Susan from Little River writes:
I think a lot could be done with the resources the government already has on its payroll.

Anthony from Charleston writes:
This guy is a pure socialist; we need to block any and all efforts to his idea of socialism. His whole party thinks government is the answer to our current problems. I myself have served this country for over 30 years so we the people can have a free and democratic form of government. I support your efforts and the Republican Party in not standing by and letting our nation fall into a socialist state. Remember we the people run the government; the government need not rule us.

Linda from Townsend writes:
I think my grandchildren will be paying for this.

Marjorie writes:
It’s CRAP!

George from Little River writes:
Rep. Brown, it’s hard for me to comprehend the size of this proposed budget. There is so much pork and waste in it that it would choke a horse and then some. When do we ever see a savings for the tax payers? When does the government reduce their operating budget...I see a great deal of overhead and little progress. When do we evaluate their purpose and is it worthwhile to continue to fund them… We need to reduce and eliminate all the pork projects from the budget.

Russ writes:

Karen from Pawley’s Island writes:
The President does not understand what he is doing to the Americans who work and have worked to get ahead!! He is punishing anyone with a business or anyone who makes more than $250,000! You cannot tax your way out of this. I was just recently laid off due to the President’s proposals. Increasing entitlements to those that have been on the dole for years is not the answer! … We are taxing our children and our grandchildren to death… By electing Obama-others feel the government will buy their groceries, pay their taxes, buy their house, put gas in their tank and give them spending money! This is incredible-we need oversight on the spending bill and the Budget. Obama is pushing this agenda down our throat.

Glen writes:
The President’s budget is very bad for our country, everything he has done takes us further away from capitalism.

Richard writes:
I am concerned about the budget…The economy needs tax relief. I am ready to give the feds less control.

Marsha writes:
I am definitely against the proposed budget. It will help to destroy America.

William from Summerville writes:
The Budget is not good; spending money to get out of debt is not the answer. The government needs to do less and let the people take care of people we have far too much government spending as it is and this will only help to bring down what has made the USA a great nation.

Stan writes:
The budget is a joke. Why and 8% increase and why 9000 earmark pork projects?

Janet from Mt. Pleasant writes:
This is a disaster. What is happening to our country and what can we do to stop it?

Wendy from Moncks Corner writes:
I think that President Obama’s budget is going to do more harm than good.

Johnny from Goose Creek writes:
Dear Congressman, I hope you stand firm against this President’s agenda, or we will most likely end us as a Third World Society. The Democratic Party has gone completely insane with these Socialist spending policies. I believe our very Liberty and Freedom are at stake. I am a history buff and we are headed in the wrong direction.

Frances writes:
The budget is way over the top. You guys need to shut him down, keep up the good fight!

Rosemary writes:
This is very bad for our country.

Gail writes:
Obscenely irresponsible and socialist in nature.

Stan writes:
I do not believe in entitlements at any time, but with the economy where it is today, they definitely must be eliminated. The non-defense spending should be reduced at least in half. Now is not the time to raise taxes.

Kenneth from Aynor writes:
I feel that both the budget and the stimulus package are more about welfare than progress. Too many of Obama’s proposals wreak of socialism. It is very unnerving to think about the direction we are headed as a nation. The stimulus pack and bailout programs are nothing more than blank welfare checks.

Michael from Goose Creek writes:
It’s back to tax and spend, which has never worked. It is a killer to small business. The private sector will suffer, job loss will continue, it’s an awful budget, and Obama's plan is socialism and will further deteriorate America.

Gretchen from Summerville writes:
The budget is out of control…just like everything else in Washington.

Craig from Summerville writes:
Disaster for the people who have followed the rules.

William from Hilton Head writes:
My family and employer have had to tighten our financial belt, so should our federal government regarding entitlements spending and earmarks.

Bill Bleakley writes:      
Again'st! Please support the Govenors stance on stimulus.

Harry Dawson writes: 
I think it is the height of stupidity and arrogance...The people who are in charge have no clue as to what they are doing...The change that is happening shouldnt happen to a third world country....Unless Republicans unite and take back control of the Congress, this is only a sample of the woes yet to befall America...Stand tall and defend us against these attackers of freedom and the free enterprise system...

Unanimous writes:  
It is outrageous. My Grandchildren will be paying for it for many years. That is if it hasn't seriously eroded our currency before then.

James Kirk writes:    
Donald Goldsmith writes:     
Stinks like every thing he proposes

Dennis Space writes:     
We are very selfish as we continue to spend and pass these massive debts on to future generations. we would not do this to our family why do we let our government do it for us? we definitely have our values confused, especially the party and administration proposing this latest budget.

Posted by Brown Staff (03-31-2009, 10:13 AM) filed under Economy, Taxes